Website Ownership

The ownership of this website belongs to the DigitalFems Association, with CIF G-67360578, located at Vallfogona 26, A-1, Barcelona. Contact:

Privacy Policy and Data Control

Data Controller

– DigitalFems, a non-profit association.

– Address: Vallfogona 26, A-1, 08012 Barcelona.

– Data Protection Officer:

Purpose of Data Processing

– Collect personal data to contact individuals interested in our activities (musical events, debate panels, training, etc.).

– Keep registered individuals informed about news and events related to gender equality in the technological and musical fields.

– Send newsletters and informational emails upon explicit consent.

Legal Basis for Processing

– Explicit consent obtained during registration by checking the consent box on the sign-up form.

User Rights

– Access, rectification, deletion, restriction, and data portability.

– Withdrawal of consent at any time via the link in the newsletters or by contacting

– Filing complaints with the Spanish data protection authority.


– We use session cookies to track the number of visits and pages viewed. These cookies are temporary and are deleted at the end of the session.

Data Storage and Security

– Personal data is stored on Airtable’s European servers (AWS) with adequate security measures. For privacy concerns, contact:

Data Retention

– Data will be used until DigitalFems concludes activities related to this initiative. Data will be destroyed once the reason for its collection no longer exists.

– Data will not be shared with third parties.

Security Measures

– DigitalFems ensures the security, integrity, and confidentiality of data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

For more information or to exercise your rights, contact or write to: Vallfogona 26, A-1, 08012 Barcelona.