Music Gender Metadata Manifesto in LineCheck Festival Milano

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We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be presenting the Gender Metadata Manifesto at this year’s Linecheck Festival!

📅 When: 21st November. 16:30
📍 Where: Milano Base. Red Theather

In the era of digital music, metadata—the backbone of how music is organized, discovered, and shared—plays a crucial role in shaping the industry. But is it inclusive enough? The Gender Metadata Manifesto addresses the gender gap in the digital music landscape, calling for a rethinking of metadata governance to amplify equity and representation for cisgender women, transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse creators.

💡 What you’ll learn:

  • Why gender metadata is essential for creating fairer algorithms and recommendations.
  • How inclusive metadata can transform the way we discover and connect with music.
  • What role you can play in driving change in the digital music industry.

This is more than a manifesto—it’s a movement toward a more equitable future for music creators and listeners alike. We invite all artists, industry professionals, and music lovers to join the conversation and help shape this change.

🎤 Join us for an engaging discussion and get inspired by actionable solutions. Let’s reimagine how we design, govern, and use music metadata—together.

💬 Have thoughts on metadata or the gender gap in music? Share them below! Let’s keep the conversation going. 🙌

Do you want to sign the manifesto?

See you at Linecheck! 🌟 #GenderMetadataManifesto #LinecheckFestival #MusicTech #InclusionInMusic